What You Need to Know About The Connection Between Dental Health and Migraines

A woman clutching the sides of her head with her eyes shut, suffering from a migraine.

Migraines are a debilitating condition that affects millions of people, often interfering with daily life and productivity. While the exact cause of migraines can vary, there’s a growing body of evidence suggesting a connection between dental health and chronic headaches. Understanding this link could be the key to finding relief for some sufferers. At OKC […]

Why Sports Drinks Put Teeth At Risk

A child drinking a blue sports drink, exposing his teeth to damaging ingredients.

Many health-conscious men and women exercise regularly, and some turn to sports drinks for hydration. While it’s true that they help maintain electrolyte levels in the body (and pose fewer health risks than energy drinks), their acidity can erode tooth enamel. And when tooth enamel is compromised, those pearly whites are more staining, discoloration, and […]